Hillary needs to go Bye Bye!
>> Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Obama takes Oregon, and Clinton kills in Kentucky. Talk is that Hillary should bow out of the race. I'm going to have to agree.
Disclaimer: I am not an Obama supporter.
BUT - Hillary really has no chance at this point. Obama is a mere 70-ish delegates away from winning the nomination and is millions of dollars ahead of her in funding. In fact, Hillary's campaign is in debt and has borrowed several million dollars from her personal fund. (Wonder what Bill thinks about that?)
And quite frankly, Florida and Michigan are not going to count toward delegates. And if they do, it's wrong. They chose to break the rules, deal with the consequences. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd like Hillary to have those delegates and potentially beat Obama to the nomination - simply because McCain will beat her out, but might not against Obama. But still ... the states made their decisions, and I don't think rules should be bent backward for special treatment. For anyone.
All I know is McCain has a LOT of campaigning to do. Serious hard core work in the next few months. Obama is a tough competitor. I mean, there are more black voters than ever (because of Obama) and that's what will hurt the Republican party.
May the best man win.
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