Crying out Dubya, Crying in Obama

>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

it's the beginning of the last day of administration for my main man Dubya. truly, it is a sad day in the history of America. George Walker Bush was a great president, and nice to look at too. (what can i say, i'm a fan) but tuesday, he's gone forever as commander in chief of my country. instead, a celebrity will take his place. a relatively inexperienced man who won the presidency because of the color of his skin, and i believe that with everything in me.

i'll be the first to tell you that having a black man as president is fine. a human is a human, regardless of the contrast of the skin color. HOWEVER, it is not in any way okay to have the presidency (or any office or seat, for that matter) filled by election of a person based in any means on their skin color. that is racism.

everyone is telling me how big of an event this is: the first black president in the history of America. big deal. you want equality? then maybe we shouldn't throw a big shindig. we haven't for any other president-elect. not to mention, this will be the most expensive inauguration party EVER ... and we are right in the middle of a recession. maybe we could distribute that money you're spending on Beyonce to struggling Americans across the country. what am i saying? we need Beyonce.

i'll be watching the events, i can't say i wont. i'd be watching no matter who was being inaugurated. id watch in between vomits if it were hillary. i'll be watching in between tears on tuesday.

prove me wrong, Obama. please. i love my country and i want to continue to be proud to be an American.