Piper and Me

>> Friday, January 2, 2009

i just saw Marley and Me. apart from the several minutes we had to stand outside in the cold because of a fail fire alarm, the movie was extraordinary. i'll just put it this way: i cried so hard i have a headache. it was unbearably sad, and i definitely wasn't expecting that.

i was so ready to get home to see piper. i love how she is so excited to see us when we get home. she really does love us!! see - i bought Cash (the devil chihuahua)when i was going through my depressed stage because i wanted someone to always love me. silly, i know. unfortunately, that didn't work out. he bites me. hard. but piper - she really does love me. in fact, marley reminded me a lot of piper - especially when he was tearing up everything and driving Jennifer Aniston crazy. yeah, that's us.

everyone needs a dog. not a cat or a bird. a dog. they really are man's best friend.

p.s. E cried, too! it was THAT good! :)