It's a new day.

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

When it rains, it pours. So cliche, but so, so true.

As for my dungeon of a vehicle, when it rains, it pours in my backseat. Leaks. Who would think a car would leak? Isn't it supposed to keep you OUT of the rain?

But life goes on despite having a pond in my Rover. (And, ironically, I haven't had water in my house for almost a week because of busted lines. I do not love irony.)

I interviewed a fifth-grade girl today. A spelling-bee champ. Well, almost. She spelled nominative wrong, which made me feel good because I knew how to spell it. But then she threw out tchotchke, which I don't even know how to pronounce, let alone spell. She continued to add insult to injury (or whatever the saying is) by giving me the origin and definition. Smart little girl, and I must say - I am jealous.

But today is a new day, and I am going to be smarter. If not about words, then about life, in general. I'm going to get organized. Get fit. Get happy. Get healthy. Get good. It's about time. And it will be good for me. I need some energy, and I want to have the desire to do things- you know, other than sit at home and play Wii. And even that tells me I'm old! I have a WiiFit age of 33! And before that it was 51! I'm entirely embarrassed to even admit that. I digress.

For now, I must focus on my responsibilities here at work, which unfortunately do not include blogging. No - I have to write a story about a janitor who won a Friends of Youth award. Exciting, I know. But in the guy's defense, he was a total sweetheart, and I look forward to making his day by writing a good thing or two about the guy.

Off to a new day.


I'm clearly an instigator

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two days ago, I wrote my weekly column for the Parthenon. Typically a bit controversial and always opinionated (factual, nonetheless), this week's article certainly received more attention than usual. In fact, I made Parthenon history by having the most-commented story EVER. I kind of like that.

My story, which you can read here, says it is not equality gays are searching for - it is special rights.

Good Lord, did the liberal community get their panties in a wad over my opinion. Clearly, what I think is pretty important. Apart from the comments on the Parthenon's Web site that bashed, battered, beat and bullied me, I also received e-mails from people calling me nasty names with underlying threats. The last couple days has been utterly sick, but intensely amusing. It's humorous because these people who are so against me and my opinions are proving my point with every word they say. They are allowed to persecute me because of my beliefs, but if I return the favor, it's a hate crime.

It was also very clear that many of the responders had not even read my article. They were mad about things I hadn't even discussed. They called me a hate-monger for hating gays - something I never said or eluded to. I just think it is usually a good idea to read the article before trying to argue it. But what do I know?

Fortunately, the fire has died a little, although there are still some crazies going at it. I was hoping my opinion would provoke an intelligent debate that would encourage open-mindedness and thinking, however it did not. It spawned hate and discrimination ... on myself.

Thanks to all those gay-rights supporters who proved my point that it is okay to be discriminatory and hateful only when you want to be.