Feats and Feelings, Summer: hello.

>> Sunday, June 14, 2009

For the very first time in my 23 years of life, I have grown long fingernails! I know, it seems like a small feat, but it has taken me over two decades to break my terrible habit of biting my nails. And I have a wonderful product to show for it. (I even had to file them today. Crazy, it's true) Now ... if I could only stop picking at my face. One step at a time....

Today my 8-year-old teenager started to say "Mommy" when she was talking to me. She corrected herself quickly with no thought of it, but for that millisecond, my heart skipped a tiny beat. It's not that I ever want to be her Mommy, merely because I want her to have the bond with her mother that I have with mine. But just to be that, to be called that - it must be amazing. I love being a pseudo-mom, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. She and the Little One mean more to me than anything. But someday - I'll be a real momma! :)

I digress.

I smelled summer for the first time this year today: tanning oil. Mmm. So good I could eat it - but then I'd be sick and I'd puke everywhere, and then I couldn't go out in the sun and put the tanning oil on and smell summer. So I won't drink it. But it smelled so, so good - it's what I wait for all year. Unfortunately, it made me a little redder (and more sore) than I had intended - but it was so worth it.

And I'll end with this thought: I may not be bikini-season ready, but at least I am aware of the fact enough to cover up what no one wants to see. Please, women (and men) at public pools - take a hint.