
>> Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I suck at consistently posting. I really wish I could be a serial blogger, but it seems that life gets in the way a little too often. My November resolution is to write more. We'll see how long that lasts.

Sings the Magpie (my friend from J-school) introduced me to Lauren from Texas, whose blog I have fallen head over heels for. And yes, I just ended a sentence with a preposition. A lot of good those 5 years of J-school did me.

Anyway. Lauren from Texas periodically posts a blog about everything she is "currently" about. And, because I love the idea, I'm borrowing it. But mosey on over to her site (after you read mine, of course) and check out her ramblings. You'll loves.

So, here's my currents for November 12, 2009. (p.s. - my answers are not necessarily what is happening at this exact moment ... its a general idea of my life)

BKE Starlites. Every. Single. Day. It's the only pair of Buckle (where I work) jeans that I own. And although I do get a 40% discount, I'm still too poor to buy a new wardrobe. Sad, I know.

Blogs, mostly. Magazines. And text messages, of course. But I'm also trying to find time to finish the two Jodi Picoult books I started - but I honestly can't even remember the titles. Again, sad.

Listening to
Love, love, loving the Glee soundtrack I just downloaded. It makes me want to choreograph all of my in-shower performances.

Lots and lots of bad stuff. Chick-Fil-A has become a staple since working at the mall. I really need to be more healthy - but how?

Water, FINALLY! I am weaning myself off soda again. I once went an entire 364 days without drinking a sip of soda. But on New Year's Eve day that year, Mr. Man talked me into giving up my whole year's hiatus and I purchased and gulped down a Mt. Dew. It tasted so, so weird. I should try again next year, and maybe make it that extra day. Doubtful.

Celebrity Crush
Taylor Swift. By. Far. I feel like she could be my BFF. And I'd love to sit around and harmonize with her for a day. Is that weird?

America's Next Top Model. This is the first season I've even followed religiously, but I'm so addicted. I was hoping Jennifer would win, and not just because we share a ridiculously wonderful name. But, she was eliminated tonight, so now I'm rootin' for country gal Laura all the way. Who will be named Americas ..... next ...... top ..... model. The suspense.

Pet Peeve
Control freaks. Yeah, sure, I'm kind of one, myself. But - that's okay.

Kim Kardashian's body. We have a love/hate relationship. I love to watch her TV shows on E!, but I hate her for having the body I want. Ah, to dream.

Saving for
A car. A clunker. An engine with four wheels. Also, a place of my own. Pathetic, I know.

Hoping to
Find a new job. The Buckle ain't cuttin' it. Not only am I making pennies, but I'm completely exhausted at the end of the day - and that just isn't spectacular in my book. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind hard work and being worn out from it - I would just like to get paid accordingly. I need a big girl job ... pronto.