Obama's Media Playing by His Rules

>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's front-page headlines on leading news sites:

-Carter: Racism key in opposition to Obama
-House admonishes 'You Lie' lawmaker
-Kanye calls Swift with 'sincere' apology
-Cheerleader hunts, kills 10-foot gator
-Sean Penn steps out with new girlfriend

-Carter: Wilson comments 'based on racism'
-Facebook 'cash-flow positive' in second quarter
-Obama: Kanye West a 'jackass' for outburst
-Scoop: Lindsay Lohan shows little sis the night life
-House votes to rebuke Rep. Wilson

The Washington Post
-Alterations of New Fame (First Lady fashion)
-House votes to rebuke Rep. Wilson
-Fake Twitter Accounts Draw Capitals' Attention
-College Football Confronts Threat of Swine Flu
-Supreme Court Asked to Weigh Redskins Case

The New York Times
-Rare Coins: Family Treasure or Ill-Gotten Goods?
-House Rebukes Wilson for Shouting 'You Lie'
-Senate Health bill Draws Fire on Both Sides
-Swift-West Spectacle, Stoked on Screen
-President's Opinion of Kanye West Sparks Debate

Anyone can see a pattern here. Current events are typically common across the board of all media. The Joe Wilson deal, Kanye's outburst, Obama's opinion of Kanye - these have all made the headlines of major media outlets days after they first broke.

But one story you haven't seen splattered across all mainstream media is this:

Pressure For ACORN Probe

That's the main headline on FoxNews.com right now. Here's a little background, because if you read any mainstream media other than Fox, you're most likely unaware of this incredibly serious breaking news story.

You can read it directly from FoxNews.com here.

Basicaly, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), better known as the group who supported Obama through his campaign, has been caught on tape four different times in four different branches handing out advice on how to get around federal laws for tax evasion, fraud and prostitution. Yes, people - prostitution.

This is a federally funded organization.

In the San Bernardino tape, which you can watch here, the self-proclaimed-previous-prostitute and not-so-eloquent ACORN worker encourages "Eden" in her business ventures to set up a prostitution business and brothel house for El Salvadorian teenage girls.

This ... is ... sick.

Again, this is an entity FUNDED BY OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - and an Obama supporter. (shocker)

But here is my question: Why are mainstream media not covering this? If they have reported on it or ran an AP article, it was brief and severely downplayed. This is a BIG deal. Why is Fox News the only outlet shining light on such a sickening issue?

If not for the videos, then this: the Senate voted Monday 83-7 to cut off ACORN from Housing and Urban Development grants. AND The Census Bureau cut their ties with the group Friday.

Those issues ALONE are huge deals. Are we truly more interested in how many apologies an arrogant black supremacist gives an innocent country chick?

I don't believe its about interest. It's called CENSORSHIP.

Here's a quote from an ACORN spokesman from the FoxNews.com article I linked above:

Brian Kettenring, an ACORN spokesman, said Republicans were "playing politics" and trying to "stop ACORN's good work fighting to stop the foreclosure crisis and to win quality, affordable health care for all Americans."

Are you KIDDING me? These crazy, treasonous, law-evading ACORN workers are blatantly breaking the law and aiding others in doing the same, and yet its the Republicans trying to play ill. It's always the conservatives' faults.

Regardless - the lack of coverage of this debacle absolutely, positively SICKENS me. The media are corrupt. It shouldn't be about sides or bias or left or right. It should be about presenting the truth, the facts, the stories of importance. We have been failed.

If our government doesn't start doing some serious internal investigations, we are in for some sad, sad trouble.


Thoughts about Public Enemies

I love the Cinema theater. Sure, it has tiny screens and non-reclining seats and sometimes the picture gets a little messed up. But it is never crowded - ever. And if you buy combo #3, you get free refills on your popcorn and soda! The best part: tickets are half the price of the Marquee theater. That's a great date when you're poor (as I am).

Tonight, Mr. Man and I went to the Cinema to see Public Enemies. Johnny Depp and Christian Bale on the big-screen together? Yes, please.

A few thoughts about the movie:

*John Dillenger, a professional bank robber, (Depp) is clearly the bad guy in the movie. So, why was I constantly hoping he'd get away, escape the law and get the girl? Why was I so bummed when he was finally shot and killed? Maybe because I'm the bad guy in real life?

*i LOVE me some Christian Bale. I first fell head over heels as a youngin' watching Little Women. It's his lisp. Or maybe his bedroom eyes.

*However, this was possibly Lover Bale's least impressive theatrical performance.

*What is up with the X shaved into the back of Johnny Depp's head? I did a Google search and couldn't find anything associated with Dillinger. I found it very interesting.

*I am so glad I wasn't an early-1900s journalist. For lighting, they lit gigantic sparklers. Then again, that could be really fun.

Okay. Public Enemies = good movie.

That's all.