Little Johnny Wants to Play, Rain, Rain, Go Away!

>> Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rainy days are awesome. But only if I am sitting in my clean house snuggled under a blanket on my big oversized chair reading a book I just cant put down and sipping on a cup of hot Starbucks.

That is not today.

Today, it is raining. I woke up exhausted from the many times E crawled out of bed during the night for various reasons (one was to clean up the stinky poo Daysie left on the floor). After flat-ironing Medusa's hair and lathering up the baby with smelly goods, I made some oatmeal and cinnamon toast (just like my mommy did when I was little) and sat down to watch some Handy Manny. The little one chowed down, even took some for the road. But Medusa - she's so picky and so moody, and the two of those do not mix - she barely ate at all. I'm sure Piper (the great dane) will yum it up out of the garbage can.

No Diet Dew, no NutriGrain bars, no PopTarts to bring to work today. Nothing but a bottle of water (which I gave to E) and a cup of yogurt. Forgot the spoon.

And its raining, remember. The Rover's windshield wipers scrape across the glass making a terrible sound that unfortunately was too similar to nails scratching a chalkboard. (I now need to dig my nails into something soft. It's a strange, strange habit).

Bad assignment at work. I take that back: good assignment, terrible, TERRIBLE copy to revise. I can't believe this freelancer sold their story as bad as it was, and I can't get a single gig. I mean, they really attributed a Web site by using the full www. address. I'm thoroughly flabbergasted.

BUT. Fiesta Bravo and a good lookin' man are in my near future, and that makes all the previous events seem like that one sunflower seed in the bag with no nut in the middle. (Which actually isn't that bad, because the seed covering is still salty).

So I'm actually looking forward to today, regardless of the way it has begun. I'm hoping it ends on a fantastic note, which I am going to make sure of.

Last night, as I was drying Medusa's hair after her shower, she said something made me want to cry a little - although I didn't. (I really shouldn't call her Medusa. Just her hair is crazy, that's all.) As she glanced out the tiny bathroom window that overlooks the neighbor's badly-painted house and a host of other not-so-pretty homes on the adjoining street, she nonchalantly said, "look how beautiful the sunset is."

And it was. My goodness, it was gorgeous. A pink-and-orange-striped blue-gray sky pushed down on the horizon as the sun was trying to make day on another part of the world. It was breathtaking, and I couldn't help but wonder why she saw it and I didn't. But simply, I was too busy.

Tonight, I'm going to look at the sunset, and no matter what it looks like, I know it will be beautiful.