So far, so good

>> Monday, January 12, 2009

First full week of the new year was a great success. Okay, just kind of.

I finished a book the first week. Jodi Picoult is an incredible author, I just have to plug that. I read Salem Falls, and it was pretty good. Good enough to not be able to put it down for a week. Of course, all her books are that good. I'll start a new one today.

My meals last week were uber healthy! Grilled chicken, salads, rice, veggies, fruit. I did it up right. Then Sunday came. I won't give a number related to how many donuts I ingested, but it was my day off and I thoroughly enjoyed my Krispy Kreme indulgence. (glutton would be a better term)

Week two has started and I'm a little less motivated, but none the less sure of what I need to do. I think I need to add "cut internet pool" to my resolution list, but I dont think I can do that just yet.

Got a ticket this morning at 5 a.m. for expired tags. That just doesn't happen, people. Po-pos don't just drive around the city in the DARK looking for expired tags. There's a tipoff in the mix, and that means war.

On another note, President Bush gave his final press conference this morning. How proud I am of that man. What an incredible job he had, and a fine job he did. Perfect? Of course not. No one has, could or will. But he did what he thought was best for the country, as he said during his press conference, and that's all we can ask for. I am going to miss that ol' cowboy. I'm not excited about this "change" we've got coming to us, but for the country's sake, I hope he does a heck of a job. Good luck, Obama.