Sick politics.

>> Friday, May 30, 2008

(fast forward the video to 0:40)

This is truly appalling. When is that crazy church of Obama's going to stop raising hell (pun intended).

This time, it's not even that racist Rev. (if you can call him that) Jeremiah Wright. The church invited the father Michael Pfleger from Faith Community of St. Sabina in Chicago. He's white, but I think he'd rather not be.

Heres what he says:

"...honest enough to address the one who says, 'don't hold me responsible for
what my ancestors did. But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors
did. And unless you are ready to give up the benefits: throw away your 401 fund,
throw away your trust fund, throw away all the money that's been put away in the
company you walked into 'cause your daddy and your grandaddy and your
great-grand.... Unless you're willing to give up the benefits, then you must be
responsible for what was done in your generation because you are the beneficiary
of this insurance policy."

Sick, isn't it? It gets better.

"We must be honest enough to expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it
raises its head. I've said it before, and I really don't want to make this
political, because you know I'm very unpolitical. But, when Hillary was crying,
and people said it was put on- I really don't believe it was put on. I really
believe she just always thought that 'this is mine. I'm Bill's wife, I'm white
and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate.' And then out of
nowhere came 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said, 'Oh damn! Where did you come from? I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show!' She wasn't the only one crying. There was a whole lot of white people crying!"

It makes me cringe everytime I watch the video. It's just so absurd the profanities coming out of this "man of God." (By the way, I'd like to know which god called him into the ministry because I don't want to serve that one.) According to this crazy-man, we (whites) are supposed to give up our luxuries and anything of worth passed down to us through the generations because of slavery and black oppression that existed hundreds of years ago. I'm sorry - I'm pretty sure I had nothing to do with that. Pfleger says we have to be responsible for what happened in our generation. Well, genius, it wasn't in ANY of our generations, except for maybe a few old senile senior citizens who don't even remember it.

And his comments regarding Hillary were just unnecessary and completely racist. If she feels that she is entitled because she's white, then whatever. But you can't just assume that. It's a very generalized racist statement toward ALL whites that is unfair.

And this guy is white! That's what is funny/sick about the whole thing.

Look - if you want to make comments regarding whites like that, thats totally fine. Just don't try to slap a discrimination lawsuit on someone when they say something slightly negative about blacks. That's all I ask.