
>> Wednesday, September 3, 2008

sometimes change is okay. sometimes change is absolutely necessary. as i have found out, sometimes change is for the better.

today, i didnt go back to sleep after i dropped E off to work. instead, i did work for class - and finished it BEFORE class, a revolutionary experience for me.
today, i parked in a free parking spot and walked an extra block to class. parking-ticket free, living a block greener.
today, i was early for class. early for only one, but that, too, is revolutionary.

today is a new day for myself, and i kind of love it. i have plans for additional revolutionary moments to put into my life. some may take longer than others, but i am determined to revamp 'jen.' this change will be okay. this change is necessary. this change is most definitely for the better.

unfortunately, i am not a fan of obama or i would say his slogans inspired me. however, he did not. i digress.

life is good, even when it sucks. just so you know.