Journalist or a Hairdresser - We all deal with annoying people.

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In response to this blog (written by a friend who I sometimes do not agree with - but that's okay):

As a journalist, I went to school for 5 years, took classes that I had to have that didn't even pertain to my major, paid thousands of dollars for textbooks the professor never even used - not to mention $25,000 in student loans. I had to find (on my own) two internships that totaled 300 hours of my time - UNPAID - yet I still had to pay to live in D.C. for the duration of one internship, and my gas traveling 30 minutes each way for the other. I spent countless hours interviewing annoying, haughty people about things I didn't care about, attending events that I sometimes didn't even agree with, standing around taking pictures that editors would end up not having room for and endless, ENDLESS hours writing stories and articles just so everyone else can know and understand what is going on in the world. And what do I get in return as a journalist? Less than $20K per year IF I can find a job, plus the added benefit of society blaming me for reading about the things they don't like. I don't make the news, I just let you know about it.

I do think $85 is steep for a cut / color - especially when the girl who does my hair stains my shirt every .. single .. time with dye. Do I pay it anyway? Yes.

But we all choose our paths in life, and if we don't like our jobs, we can always get a new one.

I got that quote from you!


Unknown August 26, 2009 at 8:12 PM  

I think we all pay our dues, but I definitely feel you on the not-so-much appreciation/semi-abuse of journalists.

I think I will teach elementary. They are just as cruel, but in a much cuter way that adults can never achieve. :)

Carollee September 1, 2009 at 7:44 PM  

So what would you price a cut and color? Just curious...