David Letterman. Why?

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

David Letterman. We've all heard about the scandal. Why are we still talking about it?

I get it - he's technically a celebrity, and with the job comes the invasion of privacy. It's what all the stars complain about. But, he's still human and, although it doesn't excuse his behavior, its his life.

But what really gets me is this: As I sit here watching Entertainment Tonight, which is dedicated to the Letterman do-dah and the endless Jon & Kate debate, I'm floored by the number of celebs who commend Dave for stepping out and explaining the situation.

One. Commending him? Really? He's brave for going on air to tell about his scandal? Give me a break.

Two. Why should he have to go on his show and tell the world? It's no one's business. Granted, the rumor is that his wife made him apologize multiple times on TV - probably to cause him as much embarrassment as it has her. Regardless, there is no reason he should be expected to talk publicly about his private life.

I'm celebrity-obsessed, and I'll be the first to admit it. But I do realize these people are human and have just as crazy lives (crazier, actually) as I do. I wouldn't want my business splattered all over the Internet, and they don't need theirs to be either.

Then again, I'm posting a blog about it. Hmm... maybe I'm my own opponent.