Should I Stay or Should I Go?

>> Sunday, November 15, 2009

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a great many things (as I have mentioned before). An astronaut, a writer, Miss America. I guess one out of three isn't so bad.

As an adult, there are still a great many things I dream of becoming, although I now understand the reality of my hopes and ambitions and know they're quite unlikely ... or will cost me another 50 grand in student loans to be qualified.

Here's my situation: in high school, I worked at The Buckle. I quit, went to college for five years, got my bachelor's in print journalism, and guess where I'm working now? The Buckle.

Oh, and I make $5.50 / hr plus 3% commission. Not quite ideal.

I almost feel as if my college time was a waste, considering I can't find a writing job around here - or really anywhere. But I haven't exactly been actively looking outside the Tri-State area.

See, one of my big dreams growing up was to move away. New York. California. Somewhere big. Along the way of getting older, though, my ideals have changed. I've realized I love being with Mr. Man and the two munchkins, and that is what is most important to me. (Ideally, I'd love to get married and add to our ready-made family, but that's another blog). Now, my ideal occupation(s) would be a wife, stay-at-home mom and work-from-home freelance writer. Plus, add in carpool chauffeur, soccer mom, healer of boo boos, etc. That's a lot of responsibility.

Clearly, all that is far away for me. So, what do I do in the mean time? Stick around this dump of a town working at (below) minimum wage jobs and (dare I admit this) living in the storage room at my parents? Or, should I pursue my one-time biggest dream and find something awesome to do in NYC or LA? I'm really not sure. Granted, I know I absolutely can't fathom the thought of being without Mr. Man and my babies, but what is the best choice?

So,  I applied for an office manager position with Twitter. (as did probably 1 million+ Americans). Although I am qualified, I am sure I will not land the job. I never really had high hopes for it, but I thought - why the heck not. If for some crazy odd reason they call me and say "hey Jen, we love you and your celeb-stalkerish tendencies of Twitter," maybe I'll just head on out to San Francisco anyway.

I'll let you know.


Unknown November 16, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

I say go for it. There is NOTHING here for people with our degree -- if there is, it's already taken by someone with more experience than we have.

I am going to waste more money on a teaching degree before I completely swear off school for a while. I figure I can at least do that while I write.

Twitter sounds awesome. I thought about applying for a job at Sirius, specifically Cosmo Radio. I couldn't do it, because it meant leaving master's degrees and boyfriends behind, and I wasn't quite ready for that.

You should see if that's still open, if you are into radio.

jennifer louise November 16, 2009 at 8:23 PM  

how fun would cosmo radio be? you should have taken your boyfriend and said the heck with a master's degree! .. i have a retardedly girly voice, though ... not suitable for radio. :(

MatthewCisco November 16, 2009 at 10:43 PM  

Just realize that you moving to San Francisco is the life version of hell in the afterlife. Would you want to endure such liberalism and insanity? You also would be burned at the cross for promoting Christianity out there. However, follow your heart.

Unknown November 18, 2009 at 3:50 AM  

Everyone on Cosmo Radio has a girly voice. So it would be okay. :)