people make me angry

>> Sunday, October 5, 2008

people crack me up.

i interviewed all four mayoral candidates for the city recently. fairly easy articles to write: question and answer, write it down. until i reached my last interview, that is. first of all, we prayed before the interview - which is fine because i was not offended. however, i think that's risky because it could offend some people and i am never for pushing religion upon anyone. i wouldnt want a muslim to ask me to pray to whoever it is they pray to with them. anyway, i digress.

so this woman wouldnt let me use a tape recorder, which with a question and answer format, you HAVE to use a recorder to make sure you get the words verbatim. but whatever. i made her repeat and repeat - which was her fault. ... so the article comes out - and i get an email telling me i made many mistakes and she wants them corrected. she said the quotes were not direct.

that makes me want to scream.

but whatever. i did my part. i made one mistake that i can see, and i can deal with that. i'm not perfect.

its been a good weekend. im not ready for another week of school.