My Not New Years Resolutions

>> Thursday, January 1, 2009

i understand that no one really keeps new years resolutions. its a given. but there's something about new beginnings that is so inspiring and exciting. it's what inclines us all to say (and actually believe) that this time is different and we'll really turn our lives around. i call bs.

so .. this year, im not going to make a list of new years resolutions at which i will ineveitably fail.

i am, however, going to set my mind to changing several things for '09 that basically sucked in '08. but ... they are NOT new years resoltions. (just let me believe it)

one time, i made a list of 21 things i wanted to do before i was 21 (i only did one of them). i guess this is kind of like that. just a few things i want to do before 2010. i could have saved a lot of time just writing "My New Years Resolutions: ..." i understand this. whatever.

things to do before 2010:
blog daily (or at least more than once a month)
read a book a week
lose weight
become an amazing cook
pay off credit cards (and maybe even start some savings)
grow long fingernails!
submit an article to a magazine
teach Cash to be submissive
take lots of photos (and actually have some printed)
tell my parents more that i love them
perfect my golf swing
become less of a schizophrenic psycho
wear heels and dresses A LOT

okay. im stressed just thinking about that list, so i'll stop there. i'm excited about this year. i finally will graduate college (well, that is the plan)! i just hope this year is better than the last. it won't take much to beat it.

tomorrow, i start on my list. today is a holdiay, so its a freebie.