Ten on Tuesday

>> Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I clearly have no imagination, because I repeatedly take blog ideas from my favorite bloggers. BUT - I always link back... AND Chelsea invited her readers to keep the questions going. ... So, I am.

1. What are some of your family traditions?
Traditions typically come out during the holidays - but wouldn't it be fun to have traditions throughout the whole year? Oh well. 
In December, the women on my mom's side of the family always get together to bake cookies. We each bring our own recipe(s), ingredients and bakeware. We mix, we roll, we bake and we have a good time with family. (And, of course, we all help clean up.) At the end of the day, we share each others' cookies, which is the best part!
But my favorite tradition of all time is on Christmas Eve. Since I was a little girl, I remember walking into my Mamaw's house and she is always stirring the punch. Love this. Sometimes, I have to call and remind her I'm coming over and to get ready. But - it's the thought that counts! (PS - her Christmas punch is the BEST punch I've ever tasted. By. Far.)

2. Do you know how to change a flat tire?
Actually, I do. Could I execute it properly? Not so sure. But the better question is, "Do you know how to put gas in your car?" because I have been stranded so many more times for running out of gas than having a flat tire. Probably 10 to 1. It's called procrastination.

3. Do you subscribe to any magazines? What are your favorites?
I do, but not enough. Mr. Man's mom gave me a Real Simple subscription for Christmas last year, which may be one of the best Christmas presents EVER (you keep getting it ALL year). I used to subscribe to Cosmopolitan, Women's Health and the Food Network ... but I'm poor now. Real Simple is definitely my favorite ... maybe because it's the only one that comes to me via mail. 

4. What are your top three favorite office supply items? (If you don’t share the love of office supplies with me or if you are male, you may skip this question.)
BIC mechanical pencils. I love how the eraser is perfect when you first buy the pack, although I hate making that first mistake. The pencil loses all its innocence.

Notebooks. Any and all. I love the plain to the gaudy. My only stipulation is no wide rule. I love a sketch book, a composition notebook, a journal or a regular, college ruled notebook. But it's always a struggle for me to write on that first page. Like the pencil's eraser, it's so clean and perfect - and I'm about to mess it up. But ... I always do.

Planners. Regardless of what Chelsea says, I think day planners are an essential office supply. Like notebooks, I love them all. Big or small, I don't discriminate.

5. Are you a good public speaker?
My initial answer is "NO!" But, if I have great notecards, or (if I'm President Obama) I have a teleprompter, I can make a heck of a speech. This hasn't always been the case. In my first years of college, my speech class was my dreaded hour of the day. I was terrified to stand in front of the class of, like, 15 people and talk about anything. I'd sweat and be nauseated. Fun times. 

6. How do you feel about acronyms?
Well, Burnis and AP Style certainly turned me off to them years ago. But sometimes, they can be fun. Unless you're ACORN.

7. What's the most creative thing you've ever done? (Bloggers, feel free to include pictures!)
I'd like to have something more appropriate or mature than what I'm about to say ... but I'm afraid this might be the winner. ... In high school, my BFF Kristi and I needed Halloween costumes for my party. Since it was the day-of and we were still costume-less, we threw on trashbags, glued on banana peels, food wrappers and (dare I admit this) even a (clean) tampon, and called ourselves white trash.

8. I'd rather jam a pen in my eye than...
-go back to high school
-work retail (oh wait, I do)
-drink V8
-watch someone spit

9. What company has the best advertising?
For lack of time of thinking, I'm going to go with Apple. Although I do love their commercials, I'm certain there are more entertaining ads out there. 

10. When is your birthday?
May 8. I don't want to turn 24!!! Noooooooo!


Chelsea November 17, 2009 at 1:13 PM  

Thanks for participating! We do it every Tuesday.

I agree about the notebooks. I always skip the first page so it still looks clean when you open it!